pyhydrophone 0.1.6


pyhydrophone helps keeping together all the information of the recorder. It makes it easier to read different hydrophones’ output files and extract the information.

Each class represents a different hydrophone. The available ones now are (others will be added):

  • SoundTrap (OceanInstruments)
  • Seiche (Seiche)
  • RESEA (RTSys)
  • uPAM (Seiche)
  • EARS

They all inherit from the main class Hydrophone. If a certain recorder provides an output different than a regular wav file, functions to read and understand the output are provided. Functions to read the metadata are also provided (which is often encoded in the file name).

Hydrophone objects

Example Gallery

Citing pyhydrophone


If you find this package useful in your research, we would appreciate citations to:

Parcerisas (2023). lifewatch/pyhydrophone: A package to deal with hydrophone data. Zenodo.

About the project

This project has been funded by LifeWatch Belgium.


For any questions please relate to

Indices and tables